The Return of Radio Free Bubba

The Return of Radio Free Bubba

by: Meg Barnhouse
Release date: Apr 1st, 2005

The second time around is a charm for Radio Free Bubba. In the words of a reviewer from Rapid River magazine, "These people are mad─and I mean British, Queen's English mad!" Read More

Softcover - $13.00
(ISBN: 1-891885-41-3)

Those crazy Bubbas are back!

In the words of author Meg Barnhouse, "We're sort of the smart-aleck liberal chapter of Bubbas." In a sequel to their fabulously successful first book, The Best of Radio Free Bubba, they are at it again. The Return of Radio Free Bubba is chock-full of that unique Radio Free Bubba wisdom that they shared with public radio listeners on a dozen stations throughout the Carolinas.

This time, Meg, Pat Jobe and Kim Taylor weigh in workout videos, bug zappers, bad dogs, possum babies and much more. They introduce us to Abraham Jesus Frog, describe the Mind Wash technique and share some Yard Sale Religion, all with that loving Bubba brotherhood touch.

Meg Barnhouse

Meg Barnhouse

Meg Barnhouse has been heard on National Public Radio’s “Weekend All Things Considered.” She is the author of Rock of Ages at the Taj Mahal, Waking Up the Karma Fairy, and Did I Say That Out Loud?, all from Beacon Press. A former resident of Spartanburg, she now lives in Princeton, NJ.

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